Natural remedies for ADD and ADHD
A holistic approach to treating Attention Deficit andHyperactivity
Mar 5,2007 VictoriaAnisman-Reiner
Energy Medicine and dietary changes to eliminate 'brainallergies' and toxins are some of the drug-free ways to balance andcalm hyperactivity in adults and children.
You’re tired after a long day at work and the kids are bouncingoff the walls. The eldest is disruptive in class and her teacher isasking you to talk to a doctor about ADHD. The youngest won’t learnto read because he gets distracted too easily. Would it be such abad thing, you wonder, to consider following the school’s adviceand speaking to your doctor about ADD drugs? You’ve heard bothsuccess and horror stories about medicating for ADHD. What’s a person todo? Thankfully, there are natural options that can help with ADD(Attention Deficit Disorder) and ADHD (Attention DeficitHyperactivity Disorder) if you’re willing to consider them.
ADD and ADHD remain controversial, despite Ritalin’smainstream presence since the 1980’s. Because there is no definitemethod of diagnosis for Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder,there are those who contest calling it a disorder at all.Regardless of your beliefs about what “ADD” and “ADHD” really mean,there are several holistic tools that can be helpful to stressedkids and frustrated parents.
First and foremost, take a close look at your kids’diet.
Is it loaded with sugar? How often do you give them chocolate,other corner-store junk food or supermarket sweets? More than oncea week is too much, and is enough to cause candidaand behavioral changes.
Protein deficiency is a big offender in ADHD, but a shortage ofcertain B vitamins or of antioxidants (including vitamins C and E) can also affectmental clarity and the ability to focus. A recent study showed thatlow iron can shorten attention span and zinc deficiency causesfaulty memory in adults.
'Brain Allergies'
When kids fall into hyperactive behavior patterns, it’s worthfinding out what they ate most recentl