


尚學(xué)堂馬士兵Oracle教程 筆記
作者 正文
  • longdechuanren
  • 等級: 初級會員
  • 性別:
  • 文章: 11
  • 積分: 50
  • 來自: 山東-東營-利津縣
   發(fā)表時間:2010-03-02   最后修改:2010-05-25
 首先,以超級管理員的身份登錄oracle	sqlplus sys/bjsxt as sysdba然后,解除對scott用戶的鎖	alter user scott account unlock;那么這個用戶名就能使用了。(默認(rèn)全局?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)庫名orcl)1、select ename, sal * 12 from emp; //計(jì)算年薪2、select 2*3 from dual;  //計(jì)算一個比較純的數(shù)據(jù)用dual表3、select sysdate from dual;  //查看當(dāng)前的系統(tǒng)時間4、select ename, sal*12 anuual_sal from emp; //給搜索字段更改名稱(雙引號 keepFormat 別名有特殊字符,要加雙引號)。5、任何含有空值的數(shù)學(xué)表達(dá)式,最后的計(jì)算結(jié)果都是空值。6、select ename||sal from emp;  //(將sal的查詢結(jié)果轉(zhuǎn)化為字符串,與ename連接到一起,相當(dāng)于Java中的字符串連接)7、select ename||'afasjkj' from emp;   //字符串的連接8、select distinct deptno from emp;   //消除deptno字段重復(fù)的值9、select distinct deptno , job from emp; //將與這兩個字段都重復(fù)的值去掉10、select * from emp where deptno=10;   //(條件過濾查詢)11、select * from emp where empno > 10;  //大于 過濾判斷12、select * from emp where empno <> 10  //不等于  過濾判斷13、select * from emp where ename > 'cba';  //字符串比較,實(shí)際上比較的是每個字符的AscII值,與在Java中字符串的比較是一樣的14、select ename, sal from emp where sal between 800 and 1500;  //(between and過濾,包含800 1500)15、select ename, sal, comm from emp where comm is null;  //(選擇comm字段為null的數(shù)據(jù))16、select ename, sal, comm from emp where comm is not null;  //(選擇comm字段不為null的數(shù)據(jù))17、select ename, sal, comm from emp where sal in (800, 1500,2000);  //(in 表范圍)18、select ename, sal, hiredate from emp where hiredate > '02-2月-1981'; //(只能按照規(guī)定的格式寫)19、select ename, sal from emp where deptno =10 or sal >1000;20、select ename, sal from emp where deptno =10 and sal >1000;21、select ename, sal, comm from emp where sal not in (800, 1500,2000);  //(可以對in指定的條件進(jìn)行取反)22、select ename from emp where ename like '%ALL%';   //(模糊查詢)23、select ename from emp where ename like '_A%';    //(取第二個字母是A的所有字段)24、select ename from emp where ename like '%/%%';   //(用轉(zhuǎn)義字符/查詢字段中本身就帶%字段的)25、select ename from emp where ename like '%$%%' escape '$';   //(用轉(zhuǎn)義字符/查詢字段中本身就帶%字段的)26、select * from dept order by deptno desc; (使用order by  desc字段 對數(shù)據(jù)進(jìn)行降序排列 默認(rèn)為升序asc);27、select * from dept where deptno <>10 order by deptno asc;   //(我們可以將過濾以后的數(shù)據(jù)再進(jìn)行排序)  28、select ename, sal, deptno from emp order by deptno asc, ename desc;   //(按照多個字段排序 首先按照deptno升序排列,當(dāng)detpno相同時,內(nèi)部再按照ename的降序排列)29、select lower(ename) from emp;  //(函數(shù)lower() 將ename搜索出來后全部轉(zhuǎn)化為小寫);30、select ename from emp where lower(ename) like '_a%';  //(首先將所搜索字段轉(zhuǎn)化為小寫,然后判斷第二個字母是不是a)31、select substr(ename, 2, 3) from emp;    //(使用函數(shù)substr() 將搜素出來的ename字段從第二個字母開始截,一共截3個字符)32、select chr(65) from dual;  //(函數(shù)chr() 將數(shù)字轉(zhuǎn)化為AscII中相對應(yīng)的字符) 33、select ascii('A') from dual;  //(函數(shù)ascii()與32中的chr()函數(shù)是相反的 將相應(yīng)的字符轉(zhuǎn)化為相應(yīng)的Ascii編碼)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             )34、select round(23.232) from dual;  //(函數(shù)round() 進(jìn)行四舍五入操作)35、select round(23.232, 2) from dual;  //(四舍五入后保留的小數(shù)位數(shù) 0 個位 -1 十位)36、select to_char(sal, '$99,999.9999')from emp;  //(加$符號加入千位分隔符,保留四位小數(shù),沒有的補(bǔ)零)37、select to_char(sal, 'L99,999.9999')from emp;  //(L 將貨幣轉(zhuǎn)化為本地幣種此處將顯示¥人民幣)38、select to_char(sal, 'L00,000.0000')from emp;  //(補(bǔ)零位數(shù)不一樣,可到數(shù)據(jù)庫執(zhí)行查看)39、select to_char(hiredate, 'yyyy-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') from emp;  //(改變?nèi)掌谀J(rèn)的顯示格式)40、select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-DD HH:MI:SS') from dual;  //(用12小時制顯示當(dāng)前的系統(tǒng)時間)41、select to_char(sysdate, 'yyyy-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') from dual;  //(用24小時制顯示當(dāng)前的系統(tǒng)時間)42、select ename, hiredate from emp where hiredate > to_date('1981-2-20 12:24:45','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS');   //(函數(shù)to-date 查詢公司在所給時間以后入職的人員)43、select sal from emp where sal > to_number('$1,250.00', '$9,999.99');   //(函數(shù)to_number()求出這種薪水里帶有特殊符號的)44、select ename, sal*12 +  nvl(comm,0) from emp;   //(函數(shù)nvl() 求出員工的"年薪 + 提成(或獎金)問題")45、select max(sal) from emp;  // (函數(shù)max() 求出emp表中sal字段的最大值)46、select min(sal) from emp;  // (函數(shù)max() 求出emp表中sal字段的最小值)47、select avg(sal) from emp;  //(avg()求平均薪水);48、select to_char(avg(sal), '999999.99') from emp;   //(將求出來的平均薪水只保留2位小數(shù))49、select round(avg(sal), 2) from emp;  //(將平均薪水四舍五入到小數(shù)點(diǎn)后2位)50、select sum(sal) from emp;  //(求出每個月要支付的總薪水)/////////////////////////組函數(shù)(共5個):將多個條件組合到一起最后只產(chǎn)生一個數(shù)據(jù)//////min() max() avg() sum() count()/////////////////////////////51、select count(*) from emp;  //求出表中一共有多少條記錄52、select count(*) from emp where deptno=10;  //再要求一共有多少條記錄的時候,還可以在后面跟上限定條件53、select count(distinct deptno) from emp;   //統(tǒng)計(jì)部門編號前提是去掉重復(fù)的值////////////////////////聚組函數(shù)group by() //////////////////////////////////////54、select deptno, avg(sal) from emp group by deptno;  //按照deptno分組,查看每個部門的平均工資55、select max(sal) from emp group by deptno, job; //分組的時候,還可以按照多個字段進(jìn)行分組,兩個字段不相同的為一組56、select ename from emp where sal = (select max(sal) from emp); //求出57、select deptno, max(sal) from emp group by deptno; //搜素這個部門中薪水最高的的值//////////////////////////////////////////////////having函數(shù)對于group by函數(shù)的過濾 不能用where//////////////////////////////////////58、select deptno, avg(sal) from emp group by deptno having avg(sal) >2000; (order by )//求出每個部門的平均值,并且要 > 200059、select avg(sal) from emp where sal >1200 group by deptno having avg(sal) >1500 order by avg(sal) desc;//求出sal>1200的平均值按照deptno分組,平均值要>1500最后按照sal的倒序排列60、select ename,sal from emp where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp);  //求那些人的薪水是在平均薪水之上的。61、select ename, sal from emp join (select max(sal) max_sal ,deptno from emp group by deptno) t on (emp.sal = t.max_sal and emp.deptno=t.deptno);  //查詢每個部門中工資最高的那個人///////////////////////////////等值連接//////////////////////////////////////62、select e1.ename, e2.ename from emp e1, emp e2 where e1.mgr = e2.empno;  //自連接,把一張表當(dāng)成兩張表來用63、select ename, dname from emp, dept;  //92年語法 兩張表的連接 笛卡爾積。64、select ename, dname from emp cross join dept; //99年語法 兩張表的連接用cross join65、select ename, dname from emp, dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno; // 92年語法 表連接 + 條件連接66、select ename, dname from emp join dept on(emp.deptno = dept.deptno); // 新語法67、select ename,dname from emp join dept using(deptno); //與66題的寫法是一樣的,但是不推薦使用using : 假設(shè)條件太多///////////////////////////////////////非等值連接///////////////////////////////////////////68、select ename,grade from emp e join salgrade s on(e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal); //兩張表的連接 此種寫法比用where更清晰69、select ename, dname, grade from emp e	join dept d on(e.deptno = d.deptno)	join salgrade s on (e.sal between s.losal and s.hisal)	where ename not like '_A%';  //三張表的連接70、select e1.ename, e2.ename from emp e1 join emp e2 on(e1.mgr = e2.empno); //自連接第二種寫法,同6271、select e1.ename, e2.ename from emp e1 left join emp e2 on(e1.mgr = e2.empno); //左外連接 把左邊沒有滿足條件的數(shù)據(jù)也取出來72、select ename, dname from emp e right join dept d on(e.deptno = d.deptno); //右外連接73、select deptno, avg_sal, grade from (select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t join salgrade s  on    (t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal);//求每個部門平均薪水的等級74、select ename from emp where empno in (select mgr from emp); // 在表中搜索那些人是經(jīng)理75、select sal from emp where sal not in(select distinct e1.sal from emp e1 join emp e2 on(e1.sal < e2.sal)); // 面試題 不用組函數(shù)max()求薪水的最大值76、select deptno, max_sal from    (select avg(sal) max_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno)        where max_sal =        (select max(max_sal) from	     (select avg(sal) max_sal,deptno from emp group by deptno)    );//求平均薪水最高的部門名稱和編號。77、select t1.deptno, grade, avg_sal from      (select deptno, grade, avg_sal from	(select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t    	join salgrade s on(t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal)      ) t1    join dept on (t1.deptno = dept.deptno)    where t1.grade =       (        select min(grade) from          (select deptno, grade, avg_sal from	(select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t	join salgrade s on(t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal)     )   )//求平均薪水等級最低的部門的名稱 哈哈 確實(shí)比較麻煩78、create view v$_dept_avg_sal_info as    select deptno, grade, avg_sal from       (select deptno, avg(sal) avg_sal from emp group by deptno) t    join salgrade s on(t.avg_sal between s.losal and s.hisal);    //視圖的創(chuàng)建,一般以v$開頭,但不是固定的79、select t1.deptno, grade, avg_sal from v$_dept_avg_sal_info t1    join dept on (t1.deptno = dept.deptno)    where t1.grade =       (        select min(grade) from         v$_dept_avg_sal_info t1     )   )//求平均薪水等級最低的部門的名稱 用視圖,能簡單一些,相當(dāng)于Java中方法的封裝80、---創(chuàng)建視圖出現(xiàn)權(quán)限不足時候的解決辦法:	conn sys/admin as sysdba;		顯示:連接成功 Connected	grant create table, create view to scott;		顯示: 授權(quán)成功 Grant succeeded81、-------求比普通員工最高薪水還要高的經(jīng)理人的名稱 -------    select ename, sal from emp where empno in       (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)    and sal >    (       select max(sal) from emp where empno not in         (select distinct mgr from emp where mgr is not null)    )82、---面試題:比較效率       select * from emp where deptno = 10 and ename like '%A%';//好,將過濾力度大的放在前面       select * from emp where ename like '%A% and deptno = 10;83、-----表的備份       create table dept2 as select * from dept;84、-----插入數(shù)據(jù)        insert into dept2 values(50,'game','beijing');      ----只對某個字段插入數(shù)據(jù)		insert into dept2(deptno,dname) values(60,'game2');85、-----將一個表中的數(shù)據(jù)完全插入另一個表中(表結(jié)構(gòu)必須一樣)	insert into dept2 select * from dept;86、-----求前五名員工的編號和名稱(使用虛字段rownum 只能使用 < 或 = 要使用 > 必須使用子查詢)	select empno,ename from emp where rownum <= 5;86、----求10名雇員以后的雇員名稱--------	select ename from (select rownum r,ename from emp) where r > 10;87、----求薪水最高的前5個人的薪水和名字---------	select ename, sal from (select ename, sal from emp order by sal desc) where rownum <=5;	88、----求按薪水倒序排列后的第6名到第10名的員工的名字和薪水--------	select ename, sal from           (select ename, sal, rownum r from              (select ename, sal from emp order by sal desc)           )        where r>=6 and r<=1089、----------------創(chuàng)建新用戶---------------	1、backup scott//備份		exp//導(dǎo)出	2、create user		create user guohailong identified(認(rèn)證) by guohailong  default tablespace users quota(配額) 10M on users		grant create session(給它登錄到服務(wù)器的權(quán)限),create table, create view to guohailong	3、import data		imp90、-----------事務(wù)回退語句--------	rollback;	91、-----------事務(wù)確認(rèn)語句--------	commit;//此時再執(zhí)行rollback無效92、當(dāng)正常斷開連接的時候例如exit,事務(wù)自動提交。  當(dāng)非正常斷開連接,例如直接關(guān)閉dos窗口或關(guān)機(jī),事務(wù)自動提交93、有3個表S,C,SC 	S(SNO,SNAME)代表(學(xué)號,姓名) 	C(CNO,CNAME,CTEACHER)代表(課號,課名,教師) 	SC(SNO,CNO,SCGRADE)代表(學(xué)號,課號成績) 	問題: 	1,找出沒選過“黎明”老師的所有學(xué)生姓名。 	2,列出2門以上(含2門)不及格學(xué)生姓名及平均成績。 	3,即學(xué)過1號課程有學(xué)過2號課所有學(xué)生的姓名。	答案:	1、	    select sname from s join sc on(s.sno = sc.sno) join c on (sc.cno = c.cno) where cteacher <> '黎明';	2、	    select sname where sno in (select sno from sc where scgrade < 60 group by sno having count(*) >=2);	3、	    select sname from s where sno in (select sno, from sc where cno=1 and cno in							(select distinct sno from sc where cno = 2);					     )94、--------------創(chuàng)建表--------------       create table stu 	( 	id number(6), 	name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_mm not null, 	sex number(1), 	age number(3), 	sdate date, 	grade number(2) default 1, 	class number(4), 	email varchar2(50) unique	);95、--------------給name字段加入 非空 約束,并給約束一個名字,若不取,系統(tǒng)默認(rèn)取一個-------------       create table stu 	( 	id number(6), 	name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_mm not null, 	sex number(1), 	age number(3), 	sdate date, 	grade number(2) default 1, 	class number(4), 	email varchar2(50)	);96、--------------給nameemail字段加入 唯一 約束 兩個 null值 不為重復(fù)-------------       create table stu 	( 	id number(6), 	name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_mm not null, 	sex number(1), 	age number(3), 	sdate date, 	grade number(2) default 1, 	class number(4), 	email varchar2(50) unique	);97、--------------兩個字段的組合不能重復(fù) 約束:表級約束-------------       create table stu 	( 	id number(6), 	name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_mm not null, 	sex number(1), 	age number(3), 	sdate date, 	grade number(2) default 1, 	class number(4), 	email varchar2(50),	constraint stu_name_email_uni unique(email, name)	);98、--------------主鍵約束-------------       create table stu 	( 	id number(6), 	name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_mm not null, 	sex number(1), 	age number(3), 	sdate date, 	grade number(2) default 1, 	class number(4), 	email varchar2(50),	constraint stu_id_pk primary key (id),	constraint stu_name_email_uni unique(email, name)	); ?99、--------------外鍵約束   被參考字段必須是主鍵 -------------       create table stu 	( 	id number(6), 	name varchar2(20) constraint stu_name_mm not null, 	sex number(1), 	age number(3), 	sdate date, 	grade number(2) default 1, 	class number(4) references class(id), 	email varchar2(50),	constraint stu_class_fk foreign key (class) references class(id),	constraint stu_id_pk primary key (id),	constraint stu_name_email_uni unique(email, name)	);		create table class 	(	id number(4) primary key,	name varchar2(20) not null	);100、---------------修改表結(jié)構(gòu),添加字段------------------	alter table stu add(addr varchar2(29));101、---------------刪除字段--------------------------	alter table stu drop (addr);102、---------------修改表字段的長度------------------	alter table  stu modify (addr varchar2(50));//更改后的長度必須要能容納原先的數(shù)據(jù)103、----------------刪除約束條件----------------	alter table stu drop constraint  約束名104、-----------修改表結(jié)構(gòu)添加約束條件---------------	alter table  stu add constraint stu_class_fk foreign key (class) references class (id);105、---------------數(shù)據(jù)字典表----------------	 desc dictionary;	 //數(shù)據(jù)字典表共有兩個字段 table_name comments	 //table_name主要存放數(shù)據(jù)字典表的名字	 //comments主要是對這張數(shù)據(jù)字典表的描述	 105、---------------查看當(dāng)前用戶下面所有的表、視圖、約束-----數(shù)據(jù)字典表user_tables---	select table_name from user_tables;	select view_name from user_views;	select constraint_name from user-constraints;106、-------------索引------------------	create index idx_stu_email on stu (email);// 在stu這張表的email字段上建立一個索引:idx_stu_email107、---------- 刪除索引 ------------------	drop index index_stu_email;108、---------查看所有的索引----------------	select index_name from user_indexes;109、---------創(chuàng)建視圖-------------------	create view v$stu as selesct id,name,age from stu;	 視圖的作用: 簡化查詢 保護(hù)我們的一些私有數(shù)據(jù),通過視圖也可以用來更新數(shù)據(jù),但是我們一般不這么用 缺點(diǎn):要對視圖進(jìn)行維護(hù)110、-----------創(chuàng)建序列------------	create sequence seq;//創(chuàng)建序列	select seq.nextval from dual;// 查看seq序列的下一個值	drop sequence seq;//刪除序列111、------------數(shù)據(jù)庫的三范式--------------	(1)、要有主鍵,列不可分	(2)、不能存在部分依賴:當(dāng)有多個字段聯(lián)合起來作為主鍵的時候,不是主鍵的字段不能部分依賴于主鍵中的某個字段	(3)、不能存在傳遞依賴 ==============================================PL/SQL==========================112、-------------------在客戶端輸出helloworld-------------------------------	set serveroutput on;//默認(rèn)是off,設(shè)成on是讓Oracle可以在客戶端輸出數(shù)據(jù)113、begin	dbms_output.put_line('helloworld');	end;	/114、----------------pl/sql變量的賦值與輸出----	declare		v_name varchar2(20);//聲明變量v_name變量的聲明以v_開頭	begin		v_name := 'myname';		dbms_output.put_line(v_name);	end;	/115、-----------pl/sql對于異常的處理(除數(shù)為0)-------------	declare		v_num number := 0;	begin		v_num := 2/v_num;		dbms_output.put_line(v_num);	exception		when others then		dbms_output.put_line('error');	end;	/116、----------變量的聲明----------	binary_integer:整數(shù),主要用來計(jì)數(shù)而不是用來表示字段類型   比number效率高	number:數(shù)字類型	char:定長字符串	varchar2:變長字符串	date:日期	long:字符串,最長2GB	boolean:布爾類型,可以取值true,false,null//最好給一初值117、----------變量的聲明,使用 '%type'屬性	declare		v_empno number(4);		v_empno2 emp.empno%type;		v_empno3 v_empno2%type;	begin		dbms_output.put_line('Test');	end;	/	//使用%type屬性,可以使變量的聲明根據(jù)表字段的類型自動變換,省去了維護(hù)的麻煩,而且%type屬性,可以用于變量身上118、---------------Table變量類型(table表示的是一個數(shù)組)-------------------	declare		type type_table_emp_empno is table of emp.empno%type index by binary_integer;			v_empnos type_table type_table_empno;	begin		v_empnos(0) := 7345;		v_empnos(-1) :=9999;		dbms_output.put_line(v_empnos(-1));	end;119、-----------------Record變量類型	declare		type type_record_dept is record		(			deptno dept.deptno%type,			dname dept.dname%type,			loc dept.loc%type		);	begin		v_temp.deptno:=50;		v_temp.dname:='aaaa';		v_temp.loc:='bj';		dbms_output.put_line(v temp.deptno || ' ' || v temp.dname);	end;120、-----------使用 %rowtype聲明record變量	declare		v_temp dept%rowtype;	begin		v_temp.deptno:=50;		v_temp.dname:='aaaa';		v_temp.loc:='bj';	dbms_output.put_line(v temp.deptno || '' || v temp.dname)				end;	121、--------------sql%count 統(tǒng)計(jì)上一條sql語句更新的記錄條數(shù) 122、--------------sql語句的運(yùn)用	declare		v_ename emp.ename%type;		v_sal emp.sal%type;	begin		select ename,sal into v_ename,v_sal from emp where empno = 7369;		dbms_output.put_line(v_ename || '' || v_sal);	end;123、  -------- pl/sql語句的應(yīng)用	declare		v_emp emp%rowtype;	begin		select * into v_emp from emp where empno=7369;		dbms_output_line(v_emp.ename);	end;124、-------------pl/sql語句的應(yīng)用 	declare		v_deptno dept.deptno%type := 50;		v_dname dept.dname%type :='aaa';		v_loc dept.loc%type := 'bj';	begin		insert into dept2 values(v_deptno,v_dname,v_loc);	commit;	end;125、-----------------ddl語言,數(shù)據(jù)定義語言	begin		execute immediate 'create table T (nnn varchar(30) default ''a'')';	end;126、------------------if else的運(yùn)用     declare		v_sal emp.sal%type;     begin		select sal into v_sal from emp where empno = 7369;	if(v_sal < 2000) then		dbms_output.put_line('low');	elsif(v_sal > 2000) then		dbms_output.put_line('middle');	else 		dbms_output.put_line('height');        end if;      end;127、-------------------循環(huán) =====do while	declare		i binary_integer := 1;	begin		loop				dbms_output.put_line(i);				i := i + 1;			exit when (i>=11);		end loop;	end;128、---------------------while 	declare		j binary_integer := 1;	begin		while j < 11 loop			dbms_output.put_line(j);		j:=j+1;		end loop;	end;129、---------------------for	begin		for k in 1..10 loop			dbms_output.put_line(k);		end loop;		for k in reverse 1..10 loop			dbms_output.put_line(k);		end loop;	end;130、-----------------------異常(1)	declare		v_temp number(4);	begin		select empno into v_temp from emp where empno = 10;	exception		when too_many_rows then			dbms_output.put_line('太多記錄了');		when others then			dbms_output.put_line('error');		end;131、-----------------------異常(2)	declare		v_temp number(4);	begin		select empno into v_temp from emp where empno = 2222;	exception		when no_data_found then			dbms_output.put_line('太多記錄了');	end;132、----------------------創(chuàng)建序列	create sequence seq_errorlog_id start with 1 increment by 1;133、-----------------------錯誤處理(用表記錄:將系統(tǒng)日志存到數(shù)據(jù)庫便于以后查看)	創(chuàng)建日志表:	create table errorlog	(	id number primary key,	errcode number,	errmsg varchar2(1024),	errdate date	);		declare		v_deptno dept.deptno%type := 10;		v_errcode  number;		v_errmsg varchar2(1024);	begin		delete from dept where deptno = v_deptno;	   commit;	exception		when others then			rollback;				v_errcode := SQLCODE;				v_errmsg := SQLERRM;		insert into errorlog values (seq_errorlog_id.nextval, v_errcode,v_errmsg, sysdate);				commit;	end;133---------------------PL/SQL中的重點(diǎn)cursor(游標(biāo))和指針的概念差不多	declare		cursor c is			select * from emp; //此處的語句不會立刻執(zhí)行,而是當(dāng)下面的open c的時候,才會真正執(zhí)行		v_emp c%rowtype;	begin		open c;			fetch c into v_emp;		dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename); //這樣會只輸出一條數(shù)據(jù) 134將使用循環(huán)的方法輸出每一條記錄	  close c;	end;134----------------------使用do while  循環(huán)遍歷游標(biāo)中的每一個數(shù)據(jù)	declare		cursor c is			select * from emp;		v_emp c%rowtype;	begin		open c;			loop			fetch c into v_emp;		    (1)	exit when (c%notfound);  //notfound是oracle中的關(guān)鍵字,作用是判斷是否還有下一條數(shù)據(jù)		    (2)	dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);  //(1)(2)的順序不能顛倒,最后一條數(shù)據(jù),不會出錯,會把最后一條數(shù)據(jù),再次的打印一遍	   end loop;	   close c;	end;135------------------------while循環(huán),遍歷游標(biāo)	declare		cursor c is			select * from emp;		v_emp emp%rowtype;	begin		open c;		fetch c into v_emp;		while(c%found) loop		   dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);		   fetch c into v_emp;	   end loop;	   close c;	end;136--------------------------for 循環(huán),遍歷游標(biāo)	declare		cursor c is		   select * from emp;	begin		for v_emp in c loop			dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);		end loop;	end;137---------------------------帶參數(shù)的游標(biāo)	declare		cursor c(v_deptno emp.deptno%type, v_job emp.job%type)		is		   select ename, sal from emp where deptno=v_deptno and job=v_job;		--v_temp c%rowtype;此處不用聲明變量類型	begin		for v_temp in c(30, 'click') loop			dbms_output.put_line(v_temp.ename);		end loop;	end;138-----------------------------可更新的游標(biāo)	declare		cursor c  //有點(diǎn)小錯誤		is		   select * from emp2 for update;		-v_temp c%rowtype;	begin	   for v_temp in c loop		if(v_temp.sal < 2000) then			update emp2 set sal = sal * 2 where current of c;	      else if (v_temp.sal =5000) then		delete from emp2 where current of c;	       end if;	     end loop;	     commit;	end;139-----------------------------------procedure存儲過程(帶有名字的程序塊)	create or replace procedure p		is--這兩句除了替代declare,下面的語句全部都一樣  	    cursor c is			select * from emp2 for update;	begin	     for v_emp in c loop		if(v_emp.deptno = 10) then			update emp2 set sal = sal +10 where current of c;		else if(v_emp.deptno =20) then			update emp2 set sal =  sal + 20 where current of c;		else			update emp2 set sal = sal + 50 where current of c;		end if;	    end loop;	  commit;	 end;		執(zhí)行存儲過程的兩種方法:	(1)exec p;(p是存儲過程的名稱)	(2)		begin			p;		end;		/140-------------------------------帶參數(shù)的存儲過程	create or replace procedure p		(v_a in number, v_b number, v_ret out number, v_temp in out number)	is		begin		if(v_a > v_b) then			v_ret := v_a;		else			v_ret := v_b;		end if;		v_temp := v_temp + 1;	end;141----------------------調(diào)用140	declare		v_a  number := 3;		v_b  number := 4;		v_ret number;		v_temp number := 5;	begin		p(v_a, v_b, v_ret, v_temp);		dbms_output.put_line(v_ret);		dbms_output.put_line(v_temp);	end;142------------------刪除存儲過程	drop procedure p;143------------------------創(chuàng)建函數(shù)計(jì)算個人所得稅  	create or replace function sal_tax		(v_sal  number)			return number	is	begin		if(v_sal < 2000) then			return 0.10;		elsif(v_sal <2750) then			return 0.15;		else			return 0.20;		end if;	end;144-----------------------------創(chuàng)建觸發(fā)器(trigger)	觸發(fā)器不能單獨(dú)的存在,必須依附在某一張表上	//創(chuàng)建觸發(fā)器的依附表		create table emp2_log	(	ename varchar2(30) ,	eaction varchar2(20),	etime date	);		create or replace trigger trig		after insert or delete or update on emp2 ---for each row 加上此句,每更新一行,觸發(fā)一次,不加入則值觸發(fā)一次	begin		if inserting then			insert into emp2_log values(USER, 'insert', sysdate);		elsif updating then			insert into emp2_log values(USER, 'update', sysdate);		elsif deleting then			insert into emp2_log values(USER, 'delete', sysdate);		end if;	end;145-------------------------------通過觸發(fā)器更新數(shù)據(jù)	create or replace trigger trig		after update on dept		for each row	begin		update emp set deptno =:NEW.deptno where deptno =: OLD.deptno;	end;		//////只編譯不顯示的解決辦法 set serveroutput on;145-------------------------------通過創(chuàng)建存儲過程完成遞歸	create or replace procedure p(v_pid article.pid%type,v_level binary_integer) is		cursor c is select * from article where pid = v_pid;		v_preStr varchar2(1024) := '';	begin	  for i in 0..v_leave loop		v_preStr := v_preStr || '****';	  end loop;	  for v_article in c loop		dbms_output.put_line(v_article.cont);		if(v_article.isleaf = 0) then			p(v_article.id);		end if;		end loop;		end;146-------------------------------查看當(dāng)前用戶下有哪些表---	首先,用這個用戶登錄然后使用語句:	select * from tab;	147-----------------------------用Oracle進(jìn)行分頁!--------------	因?yàn)镺racle中的隱含字段rownum不支持'>'所以:	select * from (		select rownum rn, t.* from (			select * from t_user where user_id <> 'root'		) t where rownum <6	) where rn >3148------------------------Oracle下面的清屏命令----------------	clear screen; 或者 cle scr;149-----------將創(chuàng)建好的guohailong的這個用戶的密碼改為abc--------------    alter user guohailong identified by abc    當(dāng)密碼使用的是數(shù)字的時候可能會不行
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