Tomcat is a popular application server used to host webapplications. Apache is a popular web server which provides serviceslike https encryption and decryption, URL rewriting etc. Apache canalso be used a load balancer to balance load between several Tomcatapplication servers.
This article briefly discusses some alternatives for load balancingan application server. It discusses implementation details for settingup load balancing with Apache using ‘mod_proxy’ module. It also looksat some of the features provided by apache such as ‘server affinity’and safe removal of node.
Downloadable web application is provided which can be used to testload balancing with Apache. Jmeter script is also provided for loadtesting Apache.
Setting up Apache and load balancing is the role of the SystemAdministrator. Unless a java developer works in a small team or issetting up a test environment, he wont get involved in setting up loadbalancing. However, it is good to understand the principles behind loadbalancing. The knowledge might help a developer to fix issues in liveenvironment.
This article discusses load balancing in the context of a webapplication. The application is accessed using https, requires a userto login and some user specific information is stored in session.
Background knowledgeIt is assumed that the reader is familiar with the following concepts and technologies:
Load balancing – user requests are processed by more than one server with all servers sharing the load ‘equally’
Server affinity (sticky session)– With server affinity, multiple requests from a user are processed bythe same server. This is required for non clustered servers as the usersession data is held on one server only and all requests from that userhave to go to the server which has the session data for the user.
Transparent failover– User is not aware of a server crash. Transparent failover can berequest level or session level. Transparent failover can be achieved byclustering application servers. With clustering, all the servers arethe same and so the loss of a server does not interrupt the service.With load balancing alone, the user has to login again when servercrashes.
Server Cluster – A group of serverswhich appear to be a single server to the user. Loss of a server istransparent to the user. User data is held on all servers in thecluster group. Any server can process any user request and loss of anyserver does not lead to interruption of service. The user does not haveto login after a server failure. Since the user session data isreplicated over the network to more than one server, there is aperformance overhead. So clustering should be avoided unlesstransparent failover is required.
Scalability – measure of the ability of a system to handle increasing load without reducing response time
Response time – time taken to process a user request
Real workers– Term used by apache to refer to servers which are components of aload balanced system. The real workers do the actual work and the realworker is usually a remote host.
Virtual worker – In Apache, the load balancer is referred to as the virtual worker which delegates processing to real workers.
Load balancing algorithms
Compare Load balancing with Clustering
Both Load balancing and clustering aim to improve scalability byspreading load over more than one server. They both aim to providehorizontal scalability.
Load balancing | Clustering |
User has to login after server crash | User does not have to login after server crash. So failover is transparent to the user |
Load balancing is done by the web server or using DNS or using hardware load balancer or using Tomcat balancer web application | Clustering capability is provided by the application server. Clustering also requires load balancing |
The application servers (e.g. Tomcat) do not communicate with each other | The application servers (e.g. Tomcat) communicate with each other. |
There is minimal effect on response time when moving up from a single server to load balanced servers under the same load | Response times could deteriorate when moving to a clustered system from a single server as the session data is now replicated over the network to other servers.
More the session data, more is the deterioration in performance compared to a single server.
Response time also depends on number of nodes in the cluster. More the number of nodes, more is the deterioration in performance as data is replicated using TCP to every single node in cluster. This can be reduced by using UDP to replicate session data. With UDP, session data could be lost during session replication. So a user might have to login again if a server crashes |
Load balancing can be used independently of clustering | Clustering also requires load balancing but makes ‘server affinity’ redundant. It provides ‘transparent failover’ capability over load balancing at cost of decreased response time and more complex configuration |
Usually no changes are required to move an application from a single server to a load balanced set of servers | Application must meet certain criteria for it to work in a clustered environment. The user variables stored in the session must be ‘serializable’. To get good response time, only small objects must be stored in the session. |
Choices for implementing Load balancing
Hardware based load balancing
Software based load balancing (e.g. Apache or Tomcat balancer)
Alternatives for software based load balancing
The rest of this article discusses load balancing using Apache ‘mod_proxy’ module.
A simple load balanced setup which does not provide ‘serveraffinity’ is not suitable for stateful web applications. In statefulweb applications, user state (session data) is held on one server. Allfurther requests from that user must be processed by the same server.Hence server affinity (sticky sessions) is necessary for stateful webapplications which don’t use clustering. The minimum load balancedsetup is with 2 application servers and one web server (load balancer).If https decryption is required, then the same Apache server can alsobe used for https decryption.In a load balanced system with serveraffinity, all requests from user 1 go to Tomcat instance 1. This isshown below:
Apache implements server affinity by rewriting the ‘jsessionid’ sentby Tomcat to the browser. The Tomcat worker name is added to the end of‘jsessionid’ before the ‘jsessionid’ is sent to the browser. In thenext request from the same user, the Tomcat worker name is read fromthe ‘jsessionid’ and the request delegated to this Tomcat realworker.The ‘jsessionid’ stored as a cookie in the browser has thetomcat worker name as shown in screenshot below:
The Apache configuration (in httpd.conf) to setup Apache as a load balancer for 2 application servers is shown below:
ProxyPass /apache-load-balancing-1.0 balancer://mycluster stickysession=JSESSIONID<Proxy balancer://mycluster>BalancerMember ajp://tomcat1:8009/apache-load-balancing-1.0 route=tomcat1 loadfactor=50BalancerMember ajp://tomcat2:8009/apache-load-balancing-1.0 route=tomcat2 loadfactor=50</Proxy>The above setup requires ‘mod_proxy’ module to be loaded.The first linesets up a reverse proxy for request ‘/apache-load-balancing-1.0’ anddelegates all requests to load balancer (virtual worker) with name‘mycluster’. Sticky sessions are enabled and implemented using cookie‘JSESSIONID’.The ‘Proxy’ section lists all the servers (real workers)which the load balancer can use. For each participant in loadbalancing, we define the url (using http, ftp or ajp protocol) and giveit a name which matches the name of the Tomcat engine defined in theTomcat ‘server.xml’. The ‘loadfactor’ can be a number between 1 and100. Set it to 50 so it can be increased or decreased dynamically lateron.The tomcat ‘server.xml’ in ‘TOMCAT_FOLDER/conf’ folder should havethis configuration:
....<Engine name="Catalina" defaultHost="localhost" jvmRoute="tomcat2">...
With 2 browser sessions, the Tomcat server console and the serverresponse show that all requests from the same user are processed by thesame server.
<Location /balancer-manager>SetHandler balancer-manager</Location>
Balancer manager requires ‘mod_proxy’ and ‘mod_proxy_balancer’ modules to be loaded.
Balancer manager will now be accessible at the url ‘/balancer-manager’.
Screenshot of this is shown below:
Safe removal of a server node When an applicationserver (real worker) has to be taken offline for maintenance, set avery low load factor for the server due to be taken offline. Few newusers will be served by that server. All existing users ‘sticking’ tothis real worker will continue to be processed by this real worker.This will help reduce the number of users who will have to login againwhen the real worker is taken offline.After some time, the real workeris disabled and taken offline. Once it is ready to come online, theworker is enabled again in balancer manager.
<context-param><param-name>serverName<param-value>Tomcat instance 1</context-param>
The attached JMeter script sets up 10 threads with each thread beingused to login 1 user and request user details. Login is done once perthread/user and all subsequent requests from the user are requests toget user details.Manual test with 2 browser windows to show server affinityOpen2 browser windows and login using different usernames. The serverconsoles in Tomcat will show that requests from one user will always goto a particular Tomcat instance demonstrating server affinity. Seescreenshot below:
Load testing with JMeterThe attached JMeter scriptis used to simulate a load of 10 users. The attached JMeter script hasbeen setup to record the response. Comparing the response from theserver and the server console, we can see that the load of 10 users isshared equally between 2 servers and all requests from one user areprocessed by the same server.
Sudden loss of one server and then restoring the serverThiscan be simulated with either shutting down tomcat to simulate a servercrash. This is best simulated using JMeter as a client to simulate aload of 10 users continuously requesting pages from the servers.Run theattached JMeter script and once the load test is running, take oneserver down. Any subsequent requests to the offline server will beredirected to the second server. When one server goes down, the usersession data is lost and so all the users who have ‘affinity’ to thatserver will have to login again.
Load balancer can become the single point of failure. This can bereduced by using round robin DNS to delegate user requests to more thanone load balancer. The load balancer delegates requests to more thanone application server. In this scenario, if the load balancer and/orthe application server goes down, the other load balancer andapplication servers can still provide some level of service. This isillustrated in the diagram below
Apache can be used to load balance Tomcat servers. This setupprovides other useful features such as ‘Server affinity’ and saferemoval of nodes for scheduled maintenance. Load balancing isrecommended if transparent failover is not required. It is easy tosetup load balancing and ‘server affinity’ with Apache.JMeter can beused to load test the configuration and to test the behaviour in caseof a server crash.The load balancer can become the single point offailure. This can be reduced by using 2 load balancer and using roundrobin DNS to delegate request to more than one server.
apache load balance load test script.jmx
Avneet Mangat 6 years experience in Java/J2EE. Currently working as Lead developer at Active Health Partners ( Bachelors degree in Software Engineering, Sun Certified Webdeveloper and Java programmer, Adobe certified Flash Designer andPrince2 certified (foundation). Lead developer of open source toolDBBrowser, please see Outside interests include photography and travelling. Please contact me at or for more information.